2011年6月20日 星期一

不知为什么?说也觉得奇怪。。常常在梦里梦见他~! >.< 真的很不明白。。梦到不是他 (A),反而是他(B)。。。开始有点怕怕~! T.T

2011年6月6日 星期一

The Lazy Song lyrics

Today I don't feel like doing anything
I just wanna lay in my bed
Don't feel like picking up my phone
, so leave a message at the tone
'Cause today I swear I'm not doing anything
I'm gonna kick my feet up then stare at the fan
Turn the TV on
, throw my hand in my pantsNobody's gon' tell me I can't
I'll be lounging on the couch just chilling in my Snuggie
Click to MTV so they can teach me how to dougie
'Cause in my castle I'm the freaking man
Oh yes, I said it, I said itI said it 'cause I can
Today I don't feel like doing anything
I just wanna lay in my bed
Don't feel like picking up my phone, so leave a message at the tone
'Cause today I swear I'm not doing anything
Nothing at all, nothing at all
Tomorrow I'll wake up, do some P90X
Find a really nice girl, have some really nice sex
And she's gonna scream out
This is great(Oh my god, this is great)
Yeah, I might mess around
And get my college degree
I bet my old man will be so proud of me
But sorry pops, you'll just have to wait
Oh yes, I said it, I said itI said it 'cause I can
Today I don't feel like doing anything
I just wanna lay in my bed
Don't feel like picking up my phone, so leave a message at the tone'
Cause today I swear I'm not doing anything
No, I ain't gonna comb my hair
'Cause I ain't going anywhereNo,
no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no
I'll just strut in my birthday suit
And let everything hang loose
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeahYeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Oh, today I don't feel like doing anything
I just wanna lay in my bed
Don't feel like picking up my phone, so leave a message at the tone
'Cause today I swear I'm not doing anything
Nothing at allNothing at allNothing at all


星期一,去牙科诊所检查看牙医怎么讲。。。牙医说现在最适合绑牙 。。她给了一张名片给我爸爸因为她没为人绑牙,据知绑牙须花五六千,绑两年不懂妈妈给没有(希望她同意)我真的很想绑牙很久了。。过后,牙医说她要帮我洗牙,爸爸同意了。我第一次洗牙很怕! 护士要求我带上plastic眼睛(和去bilik kamahiran带的那种一模一样)XD 开始了 。。机器往我口里开始洗牙。。我嘴张到很酸XD 牙医硬将我我的嘴张大,很痛啊!!! 好几次痛到闭眼睛XD 。。好了过后我牙齿变 干净和洁白了。。yeah~!!!

2011年6月2日 星期四

HATE parents 无理取闹 xd ~!!!!! :'(






最进,妈咪常常骂我,我并没有的罪他也不会无聊到要跟她吵一顿。。为了我没把食物吃完,骂我浪费,更扬言不要和她顶嘴,否则杀了我,这句话我也听了十多遍,烦不烦?? 杀了我更好,我也不想生存XD 但如果有一天真的死在她刀下的话,很不值 。。。XD 心情不好,不要把我当出气筒。。受不了你 :( (崩溃)

2011年6月1日 星期三



[假期] 超闷的,闷到发霉。。。想约朋友去viva makan makan 但能陪我“慢慢吃”的没有几个。。还在烦恼朋友里面谁最能吃XD。。上礼拜,和家人去了VIVA。。感觉满好,我们选择一间餐厅---kechara。。装饰的有点高尚。。食物都很美味但有点贵啦。。

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